PIck up your kits at Port Elgin Home Hardware May 25 & June 1 - 11am-1pm
Join the fun of gardening with Pumpkinfest and Port Elgin Home Hardware! Pick up your kits on Saturday, May 25th and Saturday, June 1st from 11 am to 1 pm. Whether you're growing a giant vegetable or the normal sized ones, we want to encourage young gardeners to join the fun.
We'd love to follow your garden's journey from seedling to harvest! Share your progress by uploading photos to this page throughout the growing season. Families, youth, groups, and teams are all welcome to showcase their hard work. We love the weird and wacky too—whether it's a zucchini in a bottle, a square watermelon, or a carrot that looks like Elvis, we want to see it all!
Grow with us participants will have their own special category to enter. Prizes will be awarded on Sunday, October 6th at noon during our weigh-off in the special "Grow With Us" category.
Let's get growing together!
We will have Registration Forms at the Weigh Off, but if you want to save time by filling it out early it can be downloaded.
Some pics from our "Grow with Us participants! UPLOAD YOUR PICTURES BELOW!
Once approved they will show up in the gallery.
Aislyn - Sunflower: tallest & biggest face
Aidy - Tall Sunflower
Sophia - Scarlet Bean & Honey Butternut
Clayton - Zucchini
TJ - Zucchini
Layne - Corn & Zucchini
Harper - Tomatoes, Pumpkin, Potatoes, Sunflowe, Pumpkin Flower, Eggplant and Corn
Clara - Gourd
Kaden - Spaghetti Squah
Kinsley - Spaghetti Squash
Aria - Pumpkin
Aubrey - Sunflower
Sam - Sunflower
Abby - Sunflower